martes, 26 de febrero de 2008

And the Oscar goes to...

... ¡¡¡¡JAVIER BARDEM!!!! por No Country for Old Men

Y sus palabras:

"Wow! All right! This is pretty amazing! It's a great honor for me to have this. I want to...I have to speak very fast here, man. Thank you to the Coens for being crazy enough to think that I could do that and put one of the most horrible haircuts on history over my head. Thank you for really improving my work. I want to share this with the cast, with the great Tommy Lee Jones, with the great Josh Brolin, with the great Kelly McDonald and I want to dedicate this to my mother. I have to say this in Spanish. I'm sorry... Mamá, esto es para ti, para tus abuelos, para tus padres, Rafael y Matilde; esto es por los cómicos de España que han traído como tú la dignidad y el orgullo a nuestro oficio. Esto es para España y para todos vosotros".

Javier Bardem tiene una larga carrera

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